Walsh University Teacher of the Month: Tierney Bratten, Marlington
by prok
NAMES – Tierney Bratten
SCHOOL – Marlington Middle School
RESIDENCE – Alliance
HIGH SCHOOL ALMA MATER – Marlington Local Schools
COLLEGE – University of Mount Union (undergraduate, business marketing and education); Capella University (graduate, technology integration); American College of Education (graduate, educational administration).
FAMILY – 17-year-old son Bo.
WHAT SUBJECTS DO YOU TEACH? – I teach Life Skills (a co-academic course) to grades six to eight.
WHAT IS THE BEST PART OF YOUR JOB? – I get to have every student in the building every year. I love to watch how each student grows and changes throughout the three years that I have them. I get to make connections with every student that goes through Marlington Middle School.
WHAT IS THE MOST CHALLENGING PART OF YOUR JOB? – The most challenging part of my job would be fitting in my curriculum I need to teach within a semester timeline. I have the students every other day for one semester so getting all of my curriculum complete can be a challenge.
WHAT SECRET TO SUCCESS WOULD YOU SHARE WITH STUDENTS? – My secret to success would be to never give up. Despite what happens to you in life, you must choose to keep going and make the best of what you have.
IS TEACHING KIDS THE SAME TODAY AS WHEN YOU FIRST STARTED? – Teaching has changed quite a bit in my 26 years of teaching. I would have to say technology has changed quite a bit. When I first started teaching, I taught the students on desktop computers. We then went to laptops and now iPads. We are 1:1 with technology and students are so much more adept with technology than they were 26 years ago.
WHAT IS YOUR HIDDEN TALENT? – I don’t know that this is a hidden talent, but I enjoy volunteering in the community. I volunteer for the Marlington Alumni Association, Alliance Community Pantry and the Carnation Festival Queen pageant.
IF YOU WEREN’T A TEACHER, YOU’D BE … – … an entrepreneur and open an online clothing boutique.
AFTER A LONG DAY AT WORK, WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO RELAX? – I love to go to my son’s sporting events. My son plays football and basketball for Marlington.
Other nominees
Michele Weingart, second grade ELA, Alliance Elementary School − The students who have Mrs. Weingart are very lucky! She meets their social/emotional needs first and grows our students’ reading fluency better than almost anyone we have in this district!
Elizabeth Evans, intervention specialist for grades 3-5, Parkway Learning & Development Center − Elizabeth Evans has supported Parkway Learning & Development Center as Lead Intervention Specialist supporting the growth of new staff. She continues to keep high expectations, challenging students to reach their full potential.
Jayme Phaphouvaninh, core sub, Gibbs Elementary School − Mrs. P. plays a vital role in the success of our building. She is extremely kind and is willing to support and fulfill any request, often at the very last minute, with a smile on her face!
George Ferrich, long-term sub, Youtz Elementary School − Mr. Ferrich joined our staff and made a point of building relationships and helping all of our students. He has worked diligently to learn how to help students and never stopped trying and caring.
Phil Forshey, 21st Century Business, South Stark Career Academy − Mr. Forshey is an outstanding career-technical educator who inspires students to believe in themselves and empowers them to pursue their goals! Forshey’s students have excelled in his 21st Century Business program, frequently competing on a regional, state and national level. He has also shared his talents outside the classroom by coaching several high school athletic teams, including baseball and volleyball.
Madisson Geddes, seventh-grade math and pre-algebra − After two short years as a seventh-grade math teacher, Madisson Geddes has proven to be an educator who provides effective and engaging instruction while establishing a classroom environment that is welcoming and positive. Miss Geddes is quick to establish a rapport and trust with her students and their parents, and has demonstrated a work ethic and willingness to collaborate that has endeared her to her colleagues. Her attention to detail and open and honest communication have allowed her to have an impact on an age group with personalities that range from challenging to contagious. She has been, and will no doubt continue to be, an amazing teacher.
Jessica Tozzi, kindergarten − Jessica has created a classroom that meets the social and emotional needs of all of her first students! Each morning her students meet as a class to discuss how they are feeling and their personal goals for the day, before beginning any kind of academic work. Her calm, passionate, and caring demeanor allows her to work with each of her students to meet their individual needs each day. Jessica currently sits on the school PBIS data team where she helps to interpret and analyze monthly data to help drive the team to make school wide PBIS decisions. She is currently working on helping to develop a deeper level of school wide curriculum for all student’s social and emotional needs. We are lucky and honored to have such a knowledgeable, patient and passionate teacher impacting our staff and students.
Angela Krichbaum, third grade, Whittier Elementary − I’m very proud to offer Angela Krichbaum as Whittier’s teacher of the month. Her warm positive attitude is infectious. Mrs. Krichbaum hypes her students up every morning by playing music as students complete their daily warm up. She is very competitive in having students set goals and achieve them. Mrs. Krichbaum reaches her students through fun and engaging technology activities. She regularly communicates with parents and supports all school and family events.
Lyndsey DeMeo, eighth-grade math, Massillon Junior High School − Miss DeMeo is always smiling and greeting her students with kindness. She understands the importance of giving students a fresh start each day and letting them know they belong in her classroom. She is a member of our PBIS team, and she shares innovative ideas to help our school improve. We love having Miss DeMeo as part of our Junior High team!
Amy Cameron, school nurse − Amy Cameron is our Minerva Middle School nurse. Although she does not have the title of teacher, she is one of our most effective educators in our building. She focuses on building positive relationships with students and staff. In her focus on teaching hygiene and promoting the importance of health and self-care, Amy is not only fulfilling her role as a school nurse, but also going above and beyond to ensure that her students have the knowledge and skills they need to live healthy and happy lives. Her kindness and compassion undoubtedly make her a trusted and valued member of the school community. She has gone far above her job responsibilities to help students and always does it with a smile. It’s educators like Amy who make a lasting difference in the lives of their students. Their commitment to education and their students’ well-being is truly inspiring. I believe that Amy would be a deserving of this recognition even if she was a teacher by title. She is certainly an educator impacting students in a positive way!
Stacy Adams, Gifted Teacher for Grades 2-4 − Mrs. Adams creates rigorous lessons to challenge her students. Her classroom is always buzzing with groups of students discussing academic content. Her students look forward to working with Mrs. Adams as she inspired them to dig deeper in their learning and grow their minds.
This article originally appeared on The Repository: Walsh University Teacher of the Month: Tierney Bratten, Marlington
Tierney Bratten, who teaches life skills classes at Marlington Middle School, is a Canton Repository Walsh University Teacher of the Month for June. She was photographed at the school on Wednesday, May 31, 2023. NAMES – Tierney Bratten SCHOOL – Marlington Middle School RESIDENCE – Alliance HIGH SCHOOL ALMA MATER – Marlington Local Schools COLLEGE…
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