Become a Queen Not a Princess
by prok

And the handsome prince saves the beautiful princess from the evil queen and they live happily ever after…
Most of the time, it is always a male character who saves us, the most important role that the male figure should undertake is to be the savior. Even when we were little girls, stories of a self-sacrificing princess and a savior prince were always imposed on us. And of course, there’s always an evil wizard or king or queen.
In modern times, we can integrate these stories into our own lives, often invisibly.
When you are a housewife, these stories are always in a parallel context, you are a housewife, a devoted mother to your wife and children, your handsome husband saves you every evening when he comes home from work and you live happily.
What if you’re a business owner woman? What role do you play in these stories?
Many evil kings, queens, or wizards will come your way in your business or venture that you have established completely alone. These are obstacles, your stage is the chapters you have to fight. In those chapters, would you expect a savior handsome prince? Or an ugly frog?
Don’t wait, fight the bad guys and the obstacles with all your beauty and power. That makes you a warrior queen, not a princess waiting to be rescued.
Then when you become queen, you can live happily ever after with a king who can protect you, your kids, and the castle of your business.
Remember, when you overcome obstacles alone, you put the flag of your castle.
I wanted to share this short analogy with you, because when I faced obstruction in my own story, sometimes I found myself waiting for a savior prince, sometimes he came and sometimes he didn’t. But when I looked back at the end of the story, I realized that in my own business, I was able to overcome obstacles only by myself.
That’s why I gave the name to my brand, which I created from my drawings, as Frammy Land. It became my castle and I became the queen of this land
I wanted to have a family too, but instead, everyone I’ve done, worked with, and met for my brand at Frammy Land has become my family.
Do I want a king to protect my castle and give value, if it happens I can be a lucky queen, not a saved queen?
Believe me, you will be the one who will value your effort the most.

Gulsa Hamurcu is a designer and owner at Frammy Land & Frammy Life. She is based in Istanbul & Turkey. She launched her fashion brand Frammy Land in 2017 and launched her home & lifestyle brand Frammy Life in 2022. Her brands are active in the USA and globally. She continues to develop her brands.
And the handsome prince saves the beautiful princess from the evil queen and they live happily ever after… Most of the time, it is always a male character who saves us, the most important role that the male figure should undertake is to be the savior. Even when we were little girls, stories of a…
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