Corporate Business Plan | City of North Vancouver
by prok
The City’s Corporate Business Plan builds upon and complements the Mayor and Council’s Strategic Plan developed in 2018. Together, these two plans will guide us as we work to achieve the Council’s vision of making our community the healthiest small city in the world.
The Corporate Business Plan is our annual action plan. It is used by our Leadership Team to support the Council’s strategic priorities while ensuring our core programs and services are delivered with a high degree of excellence. It allows us to respond to opportunities and challenges with innovation and creativity and helps us prioritize the work we do each year by focusing our efforts and resources.
Our Corporate Business Plan is organized around eleven outcomes. These are the high level goals that support and guide each department and agency in the City.
Under each outcome are key initiatives that will be delivered. They are the programs and projects that are critical towards advancing the corporate outcomes.
2021 Corporate Business Plan Outcomes
Each year we revisit our initiatives and report back to the Council and the community on our progress. Our 2021 Corporate Business Plan Outcomes were presented in a report to the Council on March 8, 2022.
Our 2022 Corporate Outcomes and Initiatives
We provide a safe and secure community where homes and businesses are well protected, personal information is secured, and the City is prepared to respond to and recover from emergencies and disasters.
- Implement the Community Wildfire Protection Plan
- Implement NVCFD Service Priority Plan outcomes
- Establish Joint Rescue Task Force with RCMP and DNV Fire
We provide an inclusive environment where diversity is respected and celebrated, and community members are supported and connected.
- Advance the development of the overall Harry Jerome program
- Deliver a North Shore Poverty Reduction Strategy
- Support expanded child care options
- Complete the Community Wellbeing Strategy
We build and maintain roads, streets, sidewalks and pathways that are well-connected and integrated to enable the safe and efficient movement of people and goods by a variety of modes throughout the City and beyond.
- Complete the construction of the Esplanade Complete Street project
- Complete public engagement and design of the Upper Levels Greenway
- Improve the comfort and safety of all roadway users in priority locations throughout the City
- Complete the Mobility Strategy
We provide plans, policies, bylaws and the organizational capacity to protect and enhance the look, feel and utility of the community.
- Facilitate the 2022 General Local Election
- Continue to update transportation and mobility requirements for new developments
- Complete development process review including targeted bylaw changes
- Advance policy actions to support and deliver affordable housing and community amenities
We create public spaces that are vibrant and exciting, and give people the opportunity to gather, grow and connect through positive experiences.
- Refine the Open Streets initiative and place-making activations
- Support the North Shore Neighborhood House Hub partners to deliver health services and non-profit housing
- Implement new park recreation shelters
- Complete Phase 1 of the Dog Strategy
We protect our environmental assets, address climate change through policies and actions, and steadily reduce the impact of municipal operations on the natural environment.
- Support and expand the City’s urban forest canopy
- Continue actions to reduce the City’s carbon footprint
- Foster community-based environmental stewardship
- Complete the Environment & Climate Strategy
We encourage a prosperous and thriving economy by attracting new businesses and supporting existing businesses.
- Complete and implement the City’s Economic Strategy
- Support and participate in economic partnerships in the region
- Advance The Shipyards vision and plan
We are a leader in promoting transparent fiscal sustainability and accountability.
- Advance development of a new financial framework
- Establish a team to provide Business Partnership support to the organization
- Implement Asset Management Strategy
We are actively and consistently engaging our residents and stakeholders using a variety of platforms on City projects, programs, services and infrastructure.
- Implement a public engagement framework for all programs and projects
- Continue the modernization of development applications
We work with a wide range of partners to continually improve the delivery of programs, services and infrastructure within the City.
- Support the North Shore Connects Steering Committee and implement priorities
- Expand the work of the CNV Public Safety Committee
- Collaborate on the North Shore Homelessness Action Initiative
- Strengthen relationships with local Indigenous communities and urban Indigenous populations
We are recognized as a top, innovative employer where there is a well-established culture of learning and continuous improvement.
- Expand online City services including CityServe, CityFix and parking permits
- Expand the Gateway desk towards a City-wide client service model
- Develop an Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Framework
The City’s Corporate Business Plan builds upon and complements the Mayor and Council’s Strategic Plan developed in 2018. Together, these two plans will guide us as we work to achieve the Council’s vision of making our community the healthiest small city in the world. The Corporate Business Plan is our annual action plan. It is…
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