Marketing to Women Could Be a Business Owner’s Best Decision

When it comes to marketing to women, the figures are compelling and clear. Globally, according to a not-for-profit that helps build workplaces that work for women, women control about $32 trillion in annual consumer spending. That’s a lot of purchasing power.

In the US, women account for 85% of all consumer spending (opens in new tab)and they are responsible for a growing number of highly significant buying decisions, including 93% of food and over-the-counter pharmaceuticals, 92% of vacations, 91% of new homes, as well as 89% of bank accounts, 80% of health care, 66% of PCs and 65% of new cars.

When it comes to marketing to women, the figures are compelling and clear. Globally, according to a not-for-profit that helps build workplaces that work for women, women control about $32 trillion in annual consumer spending. That’s a lot of purchasing power. In the US, women account for 85% of all consumer spending (opens in new…